Sunday Evening Service
It is our core values that drive how we plan for all of our services. The church calendar then is intentionally arranged according to what the Word of God tells us is important to intentionally pursue as a church. Sunday evenings are very important times for the church body to be equipped and function as specific times to participate as the people of God.
PAst Series
Life in the Everyday
2018 - 2020
goals for Sunday evening Service
We invite missionaries to challenge our hearts toward world evangelism. It is a great opportunity to explore the wonders of Christ building His church around both our own country and the countries of the world.
Shepherd Group
This is our small group times. We meet at least once a month to enjoy the fellowship and care of one another.
Life in the Everyday
A series of messages that deal with everyday issues a true believer faces and how God’s Word addresses these things. We meet at the church building and one of our elders teaches on a specific topic.
Fellowship Night
This is simply a night set aside for a time of one family inviting another family to one’s house for the purpose of hospitality and getting further acquainted with each other. The only rule here is “everyone invite someone!”
Love Your Neighbor Night
This is simply an evening set aside for the purpose of evangelism in your own neighborhood. Our desire is for everyone to make disciples of Jesus beginning right in his or her neighborhood.
Men’s Meeting
From time to time, we meet with just the men to deal with issues men face. Often at the same time the women will meet separately as well. It is difficult sometimes for men to meet together for specific training so we use Sunday evenings for such times.
Sabbath Rest
This is simply a time that we say to our families - “Go home and rest!” “Be a family and enjoy each other; go for a walk; or visit your local ice cream shop and enjoy a restful day!”
Each of these times serve as opportunities that are specifically designed to increase love and accountability for each member of the church body. We desire for all to participate and grow in service to our Christ and to each other.