
The command to "make disciples" is given to every believer.  Living the gospel and speaking the gospel is God's designed method of communicating the good news of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection to a lost world.  It begins at home, but extends around the world. 

God has chosen to use the church as the place where God's people are converted, trained, and sent out to minister the good news of the gospel.  Missions happens when God's people love God passionately and love people purposefully.  God's great command to make disciples is given to us in Acts 1:8 and is worldwide in scope.  It is the goal of CBC to be a part of worldwide evangelization.

CBC is supporting missionaries in various countries as well as mission agencies that are aiding missionaries to take the gospel to all the world. To learn more, including our Missionary Approval Process, please see our Missions Program Policy.