Prepare for Sunday
I can remember well the days when my children were very small and I had the privilege of pastoring a church that we had started in Heidelberg, Germany. We were ministering to the English speaking community, including some sweet German friends that wanted to brush up on their English. Sunday mornings were hectic.
Cindy and I played a tag-team where each of us took a child or two and made sure they were fed, dressed, and ready to go. So many times it would not go as expected. Then, on the way in, the baby would have a serious diaper issue that soiled their clothes. But just like clock work, Cindy would reach in the diaper bag and pull out another whole set of clothes for the little one and we continued on our way.
Cindy would not say she was super mom by any stretch of the imagination, but my point is, she was prepared. She had set some things out ahead of time for what was the possible or even the inevitable. Why? Because what was going on with the followers of Jesus was very important and she sought to do away with any possible obstacle for what was more important.
Sundays for the followers of Jesus is so very important. It is one of the reasons why we call Sunday, “The Lord’s Day!” How can we prepare for Sundays? Sunday morning is a Saturday evening decision!
1. Take time on Saturday just to stop and pray for Sunday. Pray for your pastor. Pray for your Family Bible Class teacher. They are preparing for you and for your soul, spend some time in prayer preparing your heart for them. Pray for the family of God. Look forward to seeing perhaps some new people that God will bring to visit. Pray for the nursery/children’s workers so they won’t get distracted and that they will be loving and helpful to your children as they seek to point their hearts toward Jesus. Pray for the hearts of people to be softened by the greatness and glory of God. Pray that your heart will be receptive to the Word of God.
2. Take time on Saturday to confess sin. You have battled your own sinful heart all week. There were moments of sweet victory and then there were moments of stumbling unbelief. Confess your faith anew on Christ’s work for you and speak to God of turning from your own self-glory and coldness toward God and His kind grace. Confess your failure to effectively love your family and confess your struggle with discipling the heart of your children. Confess your self-righteousness toward others. Own your sin knowing that because of Christ’s finished work on your behalf, He freely forgives and cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).
3. Take time on Saturday evening to get ready. No, I’m not talking about putting your make-up on. I’m simply urging you to get the children’s clothing out ahead of time. Do the necessary ironing (is that still a thing?). Get breakfast stuff done ahead of time. Make it as easy as possible to have a calm Sunday morning. Oh, and don’t forget to throw in an extra outfit for the baby—you know, just in case!
4. Take time on Sunday morning to set your heart for God. Play some Christ-honoring music that will help direct your heart toward Him. I would urge you to listen to something where the words of truth are clear and sung in a way where your heart will resonate with their truth. Get your Bible out and read it. Work together as a team to get the kids ready and shoot to get out into the car five minutes earlier than normal—you know, just in case…
5. Put your phone down. Just put it down on Sunday mornings. Really, can there be just one time when you are not looking at it? Don’t pick it up until much later in the afternoon. Take a “sabbatical” from social media. Remove any distraction in your heart and reserve all of your thoughts for Christ alone.
6. Arrive with expectation. Expect to encounter people who have needs. You are there to serve and not to be served. Look for someone and see in their eyes the hurts that have beaten them up that week. You be a source of grace, healing, and help to them. Expect to sing about Christ and His work on the cross—on your behalf! Expect to participate! Worship is participatory. Expect to hear from God through preaching. The spoken Word is the revelation of the Living Word (Jesus) with the view of transformation of heart into the image of Christ. Long for Christ and His grace in your soul. Look and listen for the sweet words of the Gospel. Let your heart be refreshed and renewed once again in the hope that only Christ can give! Cherish His grace in your own soul and speak of Him to the others around you after the service. Our unity and fellowship flows from Christ and His glorious Gospel. Get there early and be the last to leave because it’s the best view of heaven you will see on this side!
Prepare for Sunday. It’s pretty important! Don’t miss it!